
Whether you’re looking for a single point bungee sling, adjustable two point sling, or an end plate, Durkin Tactical has curated a vast collection of slings and accessories to meet your needs. We know how important it is to have high-quality build kits and accessories readily available, and our collection has everything you need for ARs, pistols, rifles, and more. Take your gear to a new level and explore all we have to offer online today.

Showing 1–12 of 32 results

Find the Right Two or Single Point Bungee Sling for Your Lifestyle 

The Durkin Tactical Team has taken the time to curate a complete collection of accessories for your firearms. Whether you’re looking for adjustable two or single point slings, grips, sights, mounts, or magazines, you’ll find what you’re looking for and more. 

We know that having the right gear changes everything. From shooting at the range to using your firearm for protection on the job, we’re committed to helping marksmen, first responders, and more get the most from their firearm. 

Build Your Own With Durkin Tactical 

For years, Durkin Tactical has been providing customers with high-quality, affordable build kits. We offer the best brands at prices you’ll love. Our kits come with almost everything you need to make a fully functioning firearm, you just need the serialized lower receiver for completion.

Explore all we have to offer online today! Whether it’s a single point bungee sling or pistol build kit you’re looking for, you can feel confident that you’ll get only the best from Durkin Tactical! We’re a company started by gun enthusiasts, for gun enthusiasts — shop today!